The baking buddies storytelling pack, inspired by the world of Enchantimals by Mattel, is positively enchanting — a six-inch Petya Pig doll, Streusel pig figure, a second pig friend and accessories create a friendly kitchen scene. The bakery set pieces are colorful and have fun details to inspire storytelling. Kids will love the pig-shaped oven decorated with a heart cut-out in the door — open it to “cook” the plate of cupcakes inside. A spoon and spatula help serve up fun! Petya Pig doll is ready to get cooking in a brightly colored outfit with a floral print on her removable skirt, pink shoes and polka dot apron. A white baker’s hat is pretty on her rooted pink hair, and her pig ears are so cute. Her two pig friends — one medium and one small — are adorable. Streusel pig figure has a dynamic pose and expression, and the smaller one comes with a removable chef’s hat and furry hair of its own. Kids will love recreating the wonder of nature and celebrating a world where Caring Is Our Everything. INCLUDES: Petya Pig doll wearing fashions and accessories, Streusel pig figure, one small pig figure with hat, one oven and themed accessories. AGES: 4 and Up.
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